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I received more Christmas cards via snail mail than expected. While any mail other than bills is always welcome, it’s the emails I get from soldiers that leave me grinning like an idiot.

A few of my friends and I buy cups of coffee through Green Beans Coffee’s “Cup of Joe” program. Here are some messages of thanks that I received this week. I thought I’d share them with you. I hope they make you smile too.

…From Camp Lemonier in Djibouti…You just made my day…reading your message reminds of my holiday get together. Thank you for the cup of joe and thank you for the message. My smile is from ear to ear. Have a Happy Holiday.

From Camp Arifjan Zone 1 in Kuwait… Reading your email, I could smell the food. Now I’m hungry, and can’t have anything you just described. Thanks for the torture Jen. Just kidding :-). I appreciate the coffee. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. Have a little extra gravy for me. Tell the Gravymaster to keep up the great work. (Smile) Happy Holidays and a Blessed New Year!! 

…From Sharana in Afghanistan.  Jen! You are killing me with that great meal description! Thanks for your thoughtfulness.

…Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar…Thank you for the coffee! I would love to be spending the holiday’s with my family as well. Spike the eggnog for me!

…Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar…Thank you so very much Jen for the beautiful mental picture you have painted for me of the holiday season. May your Chrismas be filled with joy and happiness.


Okay, now for a little holiday inspiration…One of my favorite blogs is Couture Allure. Great vintage fashion. Last year, they blogged about Christmas in Paris. It was one of my favorite posts of the year. Check out the flocked trees in red! Here’s the link:  


I’m diving back into the holiday preparations for Christmas. Tables to move. Tables to set. A fridge full of food that’s waiting to be prepped.

I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday.
